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Synopsis Parsers

Synopsis has three parsers available so far, for CORBA IDL, C++ and Python. Additionally, in future support may be added for Java, Perl, C with GTK-style objects, and anything else people write parsers for.


The IDL parser is based on the omniidl program distributed with omniORB 3.0.2. Unfortunately this means that your PYTHONPATH must be set properly so that the omniidl python files can be found. Generally if you have a working omniORB installation this will not be a problem for you since omniidl is a core tool.

Due to the good design of omniidl, Synopsis is able to utilise the Visitor pattern to translate the AST it generates into one that Synopsis can use, which is a fairly simple process. Modules in IDL are translated into AST.Modules, and Interfaces/Exceptions into AST.Classes. The mapping is fairly straightforward, with the exception that attributes are mapped to AST.Operations with the 'attribute' premodifier.

IDL Options

-Kkeep comments
-I pathinclude the given directory in the #include search path
-monly include declarations from the input file in the generated AST, excluding those from #included files.

C++ Parser

The C++ parser is based on Shigeru Chiba's OpenC++ Compiler (OCC). OCC generates a parse-tree which is then translated into Synopsis' AST with some difficulty (4500 lines of C++). Part of the problem is the need to do name lookup, and the complexities of C++'s type system. However it works and is fairly fast. A large boost in speed was gained for v0.3 by rewriting the whole parser module and only using Python types at the very last moment. Some modifications were also made to the OCC source such as comment extraction and a more efficient algorithm for finding the line number of a declaration (this turned out to be one of the major factors in the slowness of v0.2).

The source file is passed through the C++ Preprocessor (c++ -E) before parsing so that files are #included and macros expanded. You will probably want to exclude these included files from the generated AST however with the -m flag, since they can increase the size enormously as well as slowing down the Linker and Formatter. Don't forget you can link to the stdc++ library with a TOC (table of contents) file!

Comment extraction in the C++ parser is somewhat haphazard, but seems to work - comments are accumulated in a buffer by the tokenizer, and collected by the parser at specific points in the declaration parsing process. However it is possible to document individual declarators in a declaration, such as:

    /* declaration */
      /* declarator 1 blah blah */
      /* declarator 2 blah blah */

The use of such commenting is debatable however. You can do the same with enumerators however which is more useful! Comments are extracted verbatim, so you need special formatting in the formatter to remove the comment markers - // or /*. This allows you to make up your own mind about what comment style you want to use.

C++ Options

-Dmacropass the macro definition to the preprocessor
-I pathinclude the given directory in the #include search path
-monly include declarations from the input file in the generated AST, excluding those from #included files.

Python Parser

The Python parser was written very shortly after the v0.2 release in just a couple of hours, based on the parsing "" included with the Python 1.5.2 release. Whilst not as thorough as the IDL or C++ parsers, this is understandable given the type-agnostic behaviour of Python syntax -- there is only so much you can extract from the source code. This means that only functions, classes, and methods of classes are extracted. It is recommended that authors use the docstrings to convey this missing type information and available attributes to avoid confusion in the readers of your API documentation.

Each file is mapped to a module in the AST, with directories being also mapped as modules. You may use the -b option to specify a "basename" which is stripped from the filename before converting it to a module name, like so:

synopsis -p Python -Wp,-b,../../src/ -o foo.syn ../../src/Program/


      module Program {
	module foo {
	  // declarations in here

Python Options

-b pathSets the basename to strip from the filename before converting to a module name.

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Synopsis Documentation. Copyright (c) 2001 by Stephen Davies