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There are two ways of configuring Synopsis - command line arguments, or a config script. Of the two, a config script allows more control and is thus recommended. For example, with a config script you can specify user-defined modules to use. Config scripts are actually Python scripts that are loaded at runtime, and specified via the -c command line option. For full documentation on the available options see the Reference Manual and click on the "Config" link at the top.

Quick customization

Some of the simplest customizations you will want to make are:

Each of these is a customization of a different module, so the config script isn't as short as you might hope. To use the for the IDL demos as an example:

     1| # Config file for IDL demos
     2| # The IDLs all have comments in //. style
     4| from Synopsis.Config import Base
     6| class Config (Base):
     7|     class Parser:
     8| 	class IDL (Base.Parser.IDL):
     9| 	    include_path = ['.']
    10| 	modules = {
    11| 	    'IDL':IDL,
    12| 	}
    14|     class Linker:
    15| 	class Linker (Base.Linker.Linker):
    16| 	    comment_processors = ['ssd']
    17| 	modules = {
    18| 	    'Linker':Linker,
    19| 	}
    21|     class Formatter:
    22| 	class HTML (Base.Formatter.HTML):
    23| 	    stylesheet_file = '../html.css'
    24| 	modules = Base.Formatter.modules
    25| 	modules['HTML'] = HTML

Since this is Python the first two lines are comments. The fourth line imports the default config class, which is called 'Base'. Base is documented in the above reference manual, and contains many nested classes that represent the different modules that can be configured. The 6th line starts a new class that inherits from 'Base', called Config. The config script must contain a class called Config, which you will almost always want to derive from the Base class.

Line 7 defines a nested class inside Config called Parser. This class contains only nested classes and a dictionary called 'modules' and nothing else - it is never instantiated. Each nested class is a configuration for a module, in this case the parser modules. The 'modules' dictionary maps names that the user can select to module classes. Note that the key in the dictionary is a string, whilst the value is not a string - it refers to the actual IDL class object (yes, you can do that in Python!)

The IDL class defined at lines 8 and 9 inherits all the functionality and settings from the base version Base.Parser.IDL. The only change it makes is define an include_path variable so that the IDL parser can find the included .idl files used in the demos. The include_path is a list (hence the square brackets) of strings. The only path we want to add is the current directory. If we wanted more it would look like: include_path = ['/home/foo/include', '/usr/local/include/freetype2']. Note also that in Python strings can be quoted with either single or double quotes - there is absolutely no difference.

Lines 14 to 19 define a Linker option in the same way that we defined a parser option. The difference is that there is just one Linker module, called Linker. In this case we are setting the 'comment_processors' attribute to a list with one string: 'ssd'. This tells the Linker to strip comments to only those that begin with a Slash-Slash-Dot, ie: "//." The reason this is done at the linker stage is that it allows you to specify a different comment format for different files, without having to respecify it for every parser. Other comment processors include: java, qt, dummy, and prev. 'dummy' and 'prev' are used with the C++ parser's ability to look for backwards-referencing comments (that begin with '<'). If you have this option specified then the C++ parser can insert dummy comments, so you have to use either 'dummy' (which just removes and ignores them) or 'prev' (which actually moves the comments to the previous declaration).

Lines 21 to 25 similarly define a Formatter section, which tells the HTML module to use the given stylesheet file. This stylesheet file will be copied to the output directory with the name 'style.css'. You can change the destination name with the 'stylesheet' option. HTML is the most complex module to configure. If you derive from HTML_Doxygen instead of just HTML, then the default settings will attempt to make the output look similar to Doxygen's output. If you do this, then be careful not to overwrite these defaults but rather to extend them.

The last two lines do something a little different, and show an interesting feature of Python - the ability to put arbitrary statements in class definitions. Since we only want to update the config for the HTML module, and keep the rest intact, we copy the 'modules' dictionary from the parent class. The last line then changes the module to use for 'HTML' to be the new version that knows which stylesheet to use.

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Synopsis Documentation. Copyright (c) 2001 by Stephen Davies