Due to Synopsis' highly modular architecture, the user has several formatters available for their use. All of the formatters use the AST generated by previous stages, either directly or loaded from one or more files.
The ASCII formatter attempts to output the AST in a format that is suitable for recompilation, or close to. You can use this to check that your code and comments are getting parsed correctly, or out of interest to see the structure of the AST after Linking. Like the DUMP formatter, this is mostly of use for debugging.
The Dia formatter generates a Dia file with the filename specified in the -o option. This file contains all classes in the AST, with inheritance relationships linked as generalizations. At your option, the classes may include operations and/or attributes. Unfortunately, it is hard to predict the size of the graph objects and automatically lay them out, so the process of organising the diagram is left to the user. When you load the Dia file all the classes will be overlaid on one another and you may have to spend some time rearranging them. In future we may utilise constraint-solvers to arrange the objects - if you would like to help in this effort please get in touch.
-m | -- hide operations |
-a | -- hide attributes |
The DUMP formatter is useful only for debugging. It takes the AST and dumps it to screen in a nested attribute-oriented format. Several optimisations are made eg. for lists of strings which are displayed in Scoped::Name format. It also dumps the type-dictionary, and is useful for seeing what is included and excluded in the main-stripping process in the parser, and the Linking process. You may also use it to see the structure of types formed by constructs such as "const vector<int,char*>" which is quite complex.
This formatter has no options, but I recommend that you pipe its output into "less -r". Names are displayed in bold, and the output is *very* verbose.
This is the most highly developed formatter, for obvious reasons. It is designed in a modular fashion, although for now there are no options to manipulate that apart from the comment formatters. In future it is planned that the user can add custom file layouts, templates, comment formatters, Table Of Contents, linking schemes, and other such niceties.
The -o option specifies for this formatter an output directory, into which it places the generated files. Support is provided to link to a stylesheet via the -s option, and copying an existing stylesheet into the new directory via the -S option. The file layout is as follows: There is an index page that contains the familiar (to Javadoc users anyway) three-frame layout. The top-left frame lists modules or files. The left frame contains an index of the selected module (aka namespace for C++) or file. The main frame contains summaries and details of the currently selected module/namespace or interface/class.
The contents of the selected scope (module/namespace, or interface/class) is divided into declarations of common type, such as Operations, Variables, etc. Each declaration is displayed as a summary, and those with detailed comments are displayed at the bottom of the page with their detailed comment. The process of separating summaries and details is performed by the "summary" comment formatter. Summarized declarations that have a detailed section are displayed with their name as a link. Any other name is displayed as a label such that it may be referred to via a html #link.
Since there are several different commenting styles, and several different tagging styles, Synopsis' HTML formatter provides a set of comment formatters that the user may select to format thier comments. These are specified by multiple -C options to the formatter:
/** * This is a Java-style comment. */are parsed as documentation comments. This formatter should be first in the list. Only one of "ssd" and "java" should be used. You may also use neither if, for example in the case of the Python Parser, your comments come with no comment-markers.
-s stylesheet | link to the specified stylesheet in the HTML pages. You may use a http:// link here instead of a filename. |
-S stylesheet | copy the named stylesheet file to the target directory if there isn't already one, or the specified one is newer. |
-c formatter | appends the named formatter to the list of formatters to apply to declaration comments in order. You may choose from the the list above. You may use this option multiple times to create a list of formatters. |
-n namespace | only generate output for the given namespace. You may separate nested namespaces with the "::" scope resolution operator. |
-t toc-file | output the generated TOC (table of contents) to the specified file. |
-r toc-file | read the specified toc-file to use for linking names. For example of linking between languages with this feature, see the demo/Mixed/ directory. |
Here is an example of the options used to document the Berlin
synopsis -f HTML -Wf,-s,style.css,-S,../../style.css,-c,ssd,-c,summary,-c,javadoc -o Manual all.syn
This is the original HTML formatter included with version 0.1. It outputs the whole AST to one file, specified via the -o option. It also allows stylesheet support.
Synopsis Documentation. Copyright (c) 2001 by Stephen Davies